Estonian, Ingrian and Votian choral ballads re-imagined in Australia by Mihkel Tartu and the Antipodean Anomalies-featured Olev Muska. Fusing modern recording technologies and synthesised instrumentation with themes of nature and eternity, for a short time these children of Estonian refugees dictated their own unique reading of Estonian music for the Australian market. Includes the club ready proto-techno of 'Tšimmairuudiralla'. 500 copies only.
1. Veimevaka Jagamine / Distributing The Dowry [01:20]
2. Tšimmairuudiralla [03:54]
3. Piirileikkilaulu / Roundelay [01:44]
4. Ilu Neiu Kiigel / Pretty Girl On A Swing [01:54]
5. Harjumaa Lepikud / The Alder Groves Of Harjumaa [03:24]
6. Hällilaul / Lullaby [02:50]
7. Meri Kiige All / The Sea Under The Swing [03:29
8. Viire Tagant Tulevad / From Beyond The Horizon [02:12]
9. Kiik Tahab Kindaid / The Swing Yearns For Gifts [01:43]
Format: 12-inch Vinyl LP
Label: Stroom TV
Catalog: STEP-052
Released: June 2021
Genre: Electronic / Experimental Pop / Folk / Ambient